Today has been a lovely day spent in the garden, its hectic here in my garden, it takes over my life this time of year, have had lots of weeding to do and potting on my seedlings and getting my runner beans going (bit late this year) not sure where I am going to put them yet as hubby has taken the very big pots I usually use and planted his potatoes in them, will have to think about buying some more or its into the ground with them, I hope there are a few of you who are like me and just love gardening, I grow most of my own shrubs and plants and like growing different plants that are quite rare, I get quite excited when I manage to germinate something that is hard, this year its Mandevilla (Diplodenia), Exchorda The Bride, Spider Lily, and Hibiscus, the latter is not that hard but still a challenge, Mandevilla was hard but I managed to get 12 to germinate which was good going, its a rare white one and seeing as the seeds are hard to get off parent plant (mine gave lots last year) I'm over excited, just hope they don't die on me .

Finished restoration on old Bradbury sewing machine
Well its good news and a bit of bad news on the restoration of an Old Bradbury sewing machine, I managed to strip it down O.K. only to find that a cog on the side wheel had broken (bad news) so was making wheel slip. had to find someone to make me a new one as they are no longer made, my husbands brother is an engineer so asked him what could be done, he said he would make me one, (good news) all I had to do was send him the broken part to copy, my worry was would it get lost in the post so had to register it but that did not stop me worrying till its return, received part back last week, (clever old thing my brother-in-law) very excited about getting this machine back up and running as i don't have this machine in my collection,another machine (see below) saved from the tip, how could anyone through away such a wonderful piece of engineering.
Uncleaned and in a sorry state
Cleaned and fit for my collection

This one I would like to share with you all its the finished cot cover I made for my great great grand daughter,(not sure I like the great great bit but I'm sure I will get used to it). I quilted this after I made it to give it a nice finish, made by putting a polyester wadding in between a lining and main Bee printed fabric, then edging with red border,then quilting in flower pattern, very please with the outcome so was my granddaughter.

New restoration project coming up soon Old Bedford chain sewing machine
Found in a barn by my son very dirty and rusty, will take me a long time this one as need to soak all parts in oil, a bit of a waiting game this one, there are no broken parts though and all bits are present, this one is going to be well worth the trouble though as I don't have one of these in my collection.

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