Saturday, 25 April 2009

Sunny Saturday

Today has been a quite day for me as I could not do much but rest due to a very bad back, just been sitting in sun cleaning up an old sewing machine that someone has asked me to restore for them, below is a picture of it before restoration, will keep you posted on this project.
This afternoon had a friend in for a cup of tea and she suggested I got myself a wheatie bag to put on my back to relieve the pain (like a hot water bottle but with wheat inside that you pop into the microwave and heat up) so off we wet onto the internet to see what we could find and found this little site

we also find she sells on our favourite site


  1. Sorry to hear about your back, mine gets terrible at times too, but a hot pack does really help.

    I love my mobile phone case too!

    Best wishes

    Sarah x

  2. Thanks sarah, my back is much better today but still only able to do just relazing things so finished of putting machine back together again, it sew's beautifully my daughter says she would like it so off to a new home tomorrow,will post pictures up later tonight....Annabella x
